OCD is Real

The point of writing this post is less to air my shame and more to garner some support. For God’s sake, what’s your deal? Cuz here’s mine…

1) I’m a sleep deprived, working mother of two boys so just arriving at work even near “start” time is a true challenge. My main focus is usually getting through the morning without resembling to my children the beast that gave me life. Most days I get it done. What I don’t get done is the making of the bed. Truly, I’ve gotten out the door with my bite tray for teeth grinding STILL IN MY MOUTH. That’s right, that means I didn’t even take it out to brush my teeth. I guess that day I should have just been grateful I realized it in the car as opposed to in the office. There’s no conquering that stigma, I assure you.

Anyway, point is, I’m not even hoping to address adult bed making in the AM. However, it does HAVE to (and I mean H-A-V-E to!) be made before I will get in it again. This means that after work, kid pick-up, dinner, dishes, homework, baths/showers, flossing, brushing, reading, rocking, and tucking in, I inevitably find my husband dozing while waiting for me to be ready to get into bed. The he gets the face, the face that says, “oh no buddy. Get your hind bits up so we can make the bed.” I have to admit that this leaves him speechless. He used to attempt reason. He has never really understood. However, he doesn’t have OCD. (Which is crap, he CANNOT apply his deodorant without sniffing it first. Its hysterical to watch 🙂 ) And believe me, I’ve tried, oh how I’ve tried to lay in that wadded up mess of a bed from the previous night. I can lay in it, but I assure you I won’t sleep. And therefore no one will…till the bed is made…at night…right before we get into it. Sorry honey, OCD is real.

2) And WORST of all, I have to (and I mean H-A-V-E to!) pee last (very last) thing before I fall asleep (in my freshly made bed). Oh God, even I hate me! No seriously, if my husband I and watch a show laying in bed, no matter that I peed right before I got in bed and probably didn’t have a drop to drink since, GOTTA pee “one more time”.

  • Talked too long with hubby about the day, since we’ve probably barely spoken between nighttime chores, “one last pee.”
  • Laughed with hubby over dumb inside jokes till we about peed the bed, “one last pee.”
  • Folded one last load of socks while in bed, “one last pee.”
  • Looked at Facebook, “one last pee.”
  • Read a book, “one last pee.”
  • Took too long setting my alarm, “one last pee.”

And YES, of course, I HAVE tried to just go to sleep anyway, sans” one last pee”. No sleep, never, hours I’m talking.

So what I’m trying to say is…OCD is not only real, it sucks! (And I’m also saying that I have the most patient, understanding (of my ridiculousness) husband on the planet. But really, he does do that deodorant thing.)